Style Is The Answer To Everything
How far can stock footage and Charles Bukowski take you? Pretty far, I'd say.
King Bong
What happened the weekend I bought my first weed pen.
Virtue Run Club
What do you do when you realize your competitive running career is over?
You start an office run club.

Finkle & Einhorn Greeting Cards
I started a borderline NSFW Valentine's Day greeting card company.
Pandora Radio
I once did the Mannequin Challenge with the originators, Rae Sremmurd.
Hard Tail Fox & The Front Butt Bear
I wrote a pre-teen book titled, "Hard Tail Fox & The Front Butt Bear." It's a coming of age story for young men to think of women as smart, strong partners rather than sex objects.

Advertising Age Cover Competition
Winner - "People's Choice" Ad Age Cover Contest
Finalist - Ad Age Cover Contest
Advertising Age invited creatives from across the world to design a cover for their Cannes Issue that "encapsulated the meaning of creativity in 2015." After receiving submissions from over 40 countries, my partner and I were named Finalists and winner of "The People's Choice." Our cover design was featured on a billboard at the Majestic Hotel at Cannes and was printed in the gatefold of the June 2015 issue.

Panda Express
I also love to collaborate with my kid brother, Luke.
We spent a weekend spoofing that song, "Panda."